torsdag den 31. december 2009
tirsdag den 22. december 2009
Merry Christmas
onsdag den 25. november 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
One such individual is Mr. Chris Sommovigo of The Signal Collection and Stereovox Cables.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving allow me to share with you his words of wisdom, which hit my inbox today:
"As our family heads out to spend the Thanksgiving Holidays with my parents up at their "farm" (in quotes because they don't actually farm anything ...), and in the spirit of this holiday, I wanted to extend my gratitude to you for being a part of our lives.
This industry is a very strange one in that it doesn't really emulate anything else. We're related to one another by an intense passion for music, and for reproducing music in the home to a degree of excellence that most non-audiophile people in the world don't seem to understand. We share an especially high regard for the role that music plays in our life, and we get excited about the oddest things (just try and explain to anyone else how important things like VTA and anti-skating force are). We've got a fairly anonymous list of heroes - just try bringing up names like Edgar Villchur, Saul Marantz, Paul Voight, Julius Futterman, or Peter Walker at the office Christmas Party.
No - I haven't really found another industry quite like ours, and I'm thankful for that. We're an interestingly odd bunch of passionate music lovers who have found something akin to the Fountain of Youth: replenishing our bodies, minds, and souls in the waters of our favorite music playing through our carefully assembled audio systems.
You make it possible for me to enjoy one of the strangest careers in the world, to indulge in my peculiar cable-design talents, and to share the peculiar talents of other designers and engineers with you via our Collection of world-class imported gear.
Thank you for being a part of our lives, and thank you for including us in your life.
Best regards,
Chris Sommovigo
So for all eternity, when people ask us, what our clients mean to us, we will simply go "What Chris said!"
Happy Thanksgiving
Frederik & Magnus
Duelund Coherent Audio
tirsdag den 24. november 2009
Customer feedback
Duelund Coherent Audio’s cast capacitors are superb. They do it all and they do it so amazingly well you’ll wonder why and how you’ve been listening to anything else. I’ve listened to the Mundorf Supreme and the Intertechnik Audyn Cap and that’s just it I listened to them. The Cast Capacitors from Duelund simply disappear, what I hear now are instruments and voices unleashed and untamed, each filled with their own natural beauty and distinct presence.
Humble Homemade Hi-fi has rated the Mundorf’s and the Intertechnik’s at 9 and the Duelunds at 14. I would say it’s more like a 7 for the first two, with a very significant jump to 21 for the Duelund’s. The truth is the Duelund’s are the only ones I’ve heard that are truly getting out of the way of the music, allowing for glorious highs, where notes hang like there being delivered from the heavens.
Outstanding job creating these magnificent works of art.
My gratitude to you all.
Andrew P. Carey
If this doesn't make your day... ;)
fredag den 20. november 2009
We've added more French companies to our growing portfolio of manufactures choosing non plastic components due to the resulting sonic superiority.
Pierre-Etienne Léon
Above, is the man himself with his Maestral loudspeaker, which is currently all the rave in France. The company employs our full line of products.
Also, we are proud to announce that Klinger Favre has been using our components for quite some time.
Many of you will probably be familiar with this system: , Klinger Favre was involved with this.
For more info:
fredag den 13. november 2009
Setup at The Copenhagen audio show
tirsdag den 10. november 2009
torsdag den 29. oktober 2009
Interview with a cap man...
fredag den 23. oktober 2009
Kaiser Kawero - Sound of the Show
onsdag den 21. oktober 2009
Vandersteen Audio
As most of you will recognise, few are more esteemed than Vandersteen Audio. Considering, how driven by technological research and development the Vandersteen product line is, we are very proud indeed to supply our products for their new top of line speaker.
tirsdag den 20. oktober 2009
First blog post from my phone
mandag den 19. oktober 2009
When size matters...

Comme les Français
torsdag den 15. oktober 2009
Hit by a Tidal wave
mandag den 12. oktober 2009

As you can clearly see, I'm pointing out the way for the others to follow. As you know, it is the generals who win the war. ;)
søndag den 11. oktober 2009
fredag den 9. oktober 2009
Back from RMAF 2009
mandag den 21. september 2009
Part 2 of "How it all began"
lørdag den 19. september 2009
See you there!
Best regards,
Frederik Carøe
Duelund Coherent Audio
torsdag den 17. september 2009
How it all began…
Not so long ago in a small country above Germany below Norway and Sweden.
I thought I’d take the opportunity to use my first posts to tell you how everything got started with regards to our small enterprise Duelund Coherent Audio.
11 years ago I had just begun my education at the University of Copenhagen. Since most classes take place in large auditoriums with a professor doing a solo performance with very little actual involvement of the students other than the gratuitous taking of notes, this provided me with ample time to visually eat up the many glittering audio ‘zines I brought with me.
As most of you will recognise reading audio magazines is not a means to an end. Rather, it results in you endlessly roaming High End shops, shows and the home of fellow aficionados for that next upgrade, improvement or even sidestep you could provide your system that day.
Audiophilia Nervosa was flowing through my veins and I was doing my best to feed it.
I will not bore you with details about my system at the time. Suffice it to say, that I had amassed quite a few of the “expensive” usual suspects in my living room, to the mutual chagrin of both my girlfriend (now wife) and my bank.
As is prevalent in life you seek out the ones who are afflicted with the same interests as yourself. My partner in crime is a childhood friend. For ease of writing we’ll call him M in this post. I no longer remember who of us actually introduced the world of audiophilia to the other, but knowing us both we’re probably equally culpable.
Spending a lot of time discussing on various audio boards that were popping up all over the net. One day I stumbled upon a newsgroup called dk.teknik.lyd ( Here, a fiercely argumentative poster called Steen Duelund was doing the rounds. Reading the heated debates, I wasn’t really able to supply much to the discussions, but did learn that Steen was involved with something called the Copenhagen Audio Society, so I wrote him asking if I could simply show up at a meeting. Within 5 minutes he called me…
End of part one
Frederik Carøe
Duelund Coherent Audio